There are many different kinds of code people use inside the STEM field, roughly 250, two of the basics are HTML and CSS but there are so many more to learn. HTML, which is short for HyperText Markup Language, it is a bunch of short code put together typed into for the webpage being developed and is fairly easy to learn. HyperText which is what lets you move around on a webpage, Markup is what the tags in HTML do inside of them. It is the basic coding for a web browser. Its everything you see when you look up a website, all the text, all the buttons, the pictures, and more. Tags are what seperates the text you guys can read or the pictures you see on a website from the actual code, they also tell the computer what to do, like to make text bigger or break the page and what should and shouldn't be together. CSS which is also Cascading Style Sheet is what makes your page pretty, it develops the layout of your page, changes fonts and gives color.